Membership Application form (use either): Word form or PDF form
An Appeal: Can I please urge any "direct-line", male "Tyrrell" descendant who has taken a Y-DNA test with FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA) to make their data available to the Terrell Surname project ? (option available to join the study is on the FTDNA website). Its particularly helpful if you would also share such proven family tree info as you have. This will help tie the trees together. Thanks in anticipation !
Nick Tyrrell TFHS Admin
08 May 2022: Notice to Members
To maintain security of the members-only area, access details have now been changed.
Please use the "Contact Us" link on this page for an update to your user name & password
The Society is now a web-based Society only.
It is open to anyone who has an interest in the TYRRELL name or one of it's many variant spellings.
If you wish to join then why not join now.
There are no subscription fees, but donations towards the running cost of the website are always welcome.
See below for joining details.
Did you know that this Victorian marker stone, in the New Forest, Hampshire, is reputed to mark the spot where Sir Walter Tyrrell killed a King of England!!!
Not only that but this is the chapel of St Nicholas at Gipping, Suffolk, built by Sir James Tyrrell, wrongly accused of being behind the deaths of the Princes in the Tower, but later executed for supposed treason.!!!!
So do you belong to this family ??
There are other famous Tyrrells including Ken Tyrrell of F1 motor racing fame, Dr David Tyrrell former director of the Cold Research Institution.
Start your searches here. Sign up and become a member of the family. There is no subscription, all we ask is that you give us what TYRRELL data you already have.
The Tyrrell Family History Society was formed in 1978, in the United Kingdom.
We have members located in the following countries: Canada, Channel Islands, Cyprus, France, Ireland, Australia, Kenya, Luxembourg, Netherlands,New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America.