Welcome to the Tyrrell Family History Society.
We hope that you will take the time to read the following. Its purpose is to bring to your attention the services that the Society provides and a brief history as to its formation, and how you can help build it further.
Over the last 40 years there have been an ever increasing number of people taking an interest in researching their family history. This absorbing hobby, in many cases, has led to the desire to investigate in great detail the lives of their forebears. This popular interest has resulted in the development of Regional Societies, specialising in Genealogy and Heraldry, appropriate to a given location and to One Name Societies researching a single name.
In tracing and following his own Tyrrell Family Tree, our late founder, John Edward Tyrrell of Gosport, discovered and collected much data likely to be of interest to other Tyrrells. Wishing to share this information, in October 1977, with the help of others, he contacted the 1300 Tyrrells then listed in the UK telephone directories, inviting replies from those interested in forming a Tyrrell Family History Society. This was then followed by sending circulars to the other variants of the name, such as, Tyrell, Tyrrel, Tirrell, Turrell, Terrell, etc. The response was so enthusiastic that on Saturday June 10th 1978 an Inaugural Meeting was held in London, and “The Tyrrell Family History Society” was formed.
Since then the Society has held yearly meetings as follows:-
- Rufus Day in the New Forest, Hampshire, at the Sir Walter Tyrrell Inn located near the Rufus Stone, this was always an informal family day.
- Research Days with the Annual General Meetings, and our main Tyrrell Day Gatherings. The venue for these days has moved around the country to be near to locations with Tyrrell interests.
- Early Year Weekend Reunion Break. An informal hotel based weekend where members were invited to join committee members usually at the end of January each year.
From the end of 2017 the Society became a web based only Society and formal meetings and Newsletter were ceased.
Over the years much research by individuals has been carried out and sent to the Society for sharing with other members. It is this freely shared information that has been the backbone of the Society’s success. This rapid collection of data outstripped our ability to maintain manual records thus since 1993 a computer database has been built where all “TYRRELL EVENTS” are now stored. It is this data that Members can access freely, again all we ask is that you contribute your Tyrrell information to this database.
Offers of help in gathering data are gladly accepted by the society.
The following lays out the Aims and Objectives of the Society
- To maintain an association of those interested in the origin, history and development of the various branches of the Tyrrell Family, including any variants, such as Tyrell, Tyrel, Turrell, Turell, Turel, Tirrell, Tirel, Terrell, Terell, Terel, etc. (All references to Tyrrell should be taken as also applying to other spelling variants).
- To promote the availability of documents, monuments and other material of specific significance to members by recording them on the Society data base.
- To foster the study of Tyrrell genealogy with the intention of publication of definitive research when appropriate.
- To encourage members to donate information for inclusion in the Society's database via the secretary or web-manager.
Membership of the Society is open to all who have an interest in the aims and objectives set out above. It is not an essential condition of membership to have a blood relationship to a branch of the Tyrrell Family. As much of the material in the Tyrrell archives could be of general interest to historians, demographers, students and others, it is anticipated that many of these will find membership beneficial.
Since the start of the Society a membership subscription was charged, plus a printed newsletter was distributed to all the members four times per year. In 2014 it was decided that membership would be free and the Society would become Web based with the newsletter ceasing at the end of 2017. While membership is free, donations, when requested can be given by Society members and will always gratefully received as they finance the cost of keeping the website running. At present we have no need.
If any member is willing to restart the newsletter then please contact the secretary or web-manager.